The company was founded in Thessaloniki in 1950. It is located in the area of Liti at the 12th km. of Thessaloniki – Lagada.

Our main facilities, which were built in 1976, are expanded into an area of 5.000 sqm, which is divided into 2.500 sqm of the superstructure as well as 2.500 sqm of atrium space.

The company ALPHABROS Giannakoudakis S.A. is active in the production of plastic components, with injection end extrusion molding.

Our company’s primary activity is the continuous study and improvement of our modular belts and components.

Our products are mostly used in the food industry.

In addition, for a period of time, our company has expanded its activities in the field of motion transmission.

Responding to the demand of the market for the production of high-quality products, our company applies Quality Management System based on ISO 9002/1994, with certification in the sectors of the production of Thermoplastic and Thermohardened materials, the production of spare parts made of rubber, Mold Manufacturing and High Precision Mechanical elaboration.


The advanced customer service we offer is considered to be a commitment for our company provided that we continuously strive to improve the quality of our services.